DFX General Manager/DFX CrossFit Head Coach
Heather Coracini
My Credentials:
- CFL2, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Weightlifting, RKC, USAW-L1
- 12 years experience as CrossFit Coach and the Fitness Industry
About Me:
Hi, I’ve been coaching CrossFit for 12 years and I have learned a lot about what functional fitness truly means along the way. I believe in a balanced and fun approach to fitness that encompasses strength, intensity, mobility, functional movement patterns, and longevity. Movement is magic. My coaching style is dynamic and adaptable, tailored to the individual needs, goals, and drive of our members. I’m excited to help you enjoy the journey and trust the process.
Movements I love:
- Hang Snatches, Bar Muscle-ups, Push Jerks, Burpees
Movements I need to love more:
- Running