DFX Coach DFX CrossFit

Brett Eckles

My Credentials/Certifications:

  • CF L2 
  • 8 years of Crossfit Coaching including general physical preparedness and specific classes focused on Olympic weightlifting and gymnastics

About Me:
Ever since finding Crossfit in 2015, I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge and understanding of improving performance and sharing that with anyone and everyone. Some of the first athletes I coached are my parents and watching them transform themselves over the years has been a wonderful thing. I love helping people reach their goals and watching them accomplish those goals inspires me to be the best version of myself.

Movements I love:

  • Any Gymnastics movement, GHD Situps, Burpees, Wall Balls, and most mono-structural movements (Running, Biking, Rowing, Skiing)

Movements I need to love more:

  • Pushups and Toes to Bar