DFX Assistant Head Coach DFX CrossFit

Mike Galleo

My Credentials/Certifications:

  • CFL2, CrossFit Gymnastics, USAW-L1
  • 12+ years experience as CrossFit Coach

About Me:
Hey there!  Fitness has always been a part of my life and as with many people that consisted of “traditional” workouts at local gyms. That changed in 2007 when a coworker convinced me to try this functional fitness thing called CrossFit. I was hooked! The workouts were hard and I realized I was not in shape! The CrossFit methodology not only improved my physical potential, it also built an environment that promoted camaraderie. After a few years of learning and suffering through WODS with others, I decided to get my L1 because I wanted to help others reach their fitness goals. My favorite part of coaching is watching an athlete smile/jump for joy because they successfully performed a movement/technique they thought was impossible. My coaching style is simple however I try to learn from others to help me expand my coaching effectiveness. 


Movements I love:

  • Burpees and Deadlifts

Movements I need to love more:

  • Anything upside down!!